Has the rainy, …

February 21, 2012

Has the rainy, gray weather got you down?  Soon it will be spring and summer….time to show some skin.  Are you ready?  Our current crummy weather is the perfect time to be getting laser treatments.  Don’t wait for the sun to get you motivated.  Laser treatments for hair reduction and skin rejuvenation are not appropriate for recently tanned skin.  Your best results come when skin is fair and hair is dark.  Brown spots also respond better to treatment when skin is pale.

We can treat most areas with underarms, faces, bikini, and legs being very popular.  Don’t wait until it is too late.  Call me today for your complimentary consultation.  Call 360-676-1111 for an appointment.  We are located in the Barkley Village neighborhood at 2930 Newmarket St. #115.

I’m ready for hair removal….when can I start?

August 18, 2010

I’m seeing increased interest in laser hair removal in the past couple of months.  I think people spend lots more time in the summer worrying about and removing hair.  Unfortunately,  I have to tell far too many people that their tan skin precludes them from laser treatment.  After about 4 weeks of diligent sun protection, we can usually begin the treatment process.

Today, I thought I would provide a link to the excellent company that makes our laser and provides all the support that keeps our laser in tip-top shape.  Palomar Medical is a leader in the laser industry.  I invite you to visit their site for some amazing information about the company and laser treatment.   http://www.palomarmedical.com/treatments/hair-removal.aspx?_kk=laser%20hair%20removal%20machines&_kt=c5b10a0c-415d-4f13-a689-47f825052263&gclid=CLT9ro_cw6MCFRJNagod-H6-fA

  Thanks for you interest, Nancy

Laser Hair Reduction….AKA Laser Hair Removal

July 21, 2010

I hope you have all been enjoying our beautiful sunny weather.  Blue skies and warm weather turn on endorphines making most of us feel happier and in my case, a bit lazier! 

Today, I’d like to remind my readers that laser hair removal /laser hair reduction /skin rejuvenation requires patients to be tan free.  When I orient my patients to the laser hair removal and skin rejuvenation process, I try hard to emphase just how important this is.  Unfortunately, people often forget and we end up rescheduling their appointment.

If you are currently receiving laser treatments or have plans to start, you will need to take steps to protect your skin so you can receive safe, effective treatments.  When skin tans, the darker skin pigment competes with intented targets like hair, brown spots, blood vessels.  As a result, side effects like hypo and hyperpigmentation, burns, and poor treatment outcomes can result. 

Recent tans can be very problematic so I require my patients to avoid unprotected UVA/ UVB exposure.  This can be achieved by applying broad spectrum sunscreens before exposure and every two hours during exposure.  Hats, sunglasses, and protective clothing are also important.  Even self tanners and tanning beds/booths can adversely effect results.

If you are being treated in an unexposed area like underarms or bikini, staying tan free is easier.  Just remember to take precautions as needed.  Sometimes people ask if they will always need to protect their skin from the sun after receiving laser treatment.  My answer is, “I’d love  to see ongoing protection from UV rays but having had laser treatment will not mean you can’t ever expose your treated areas to the sun.  It will not effect hair reduction post treatment but it can mean more brown spots after skin rejuvenation”.

Enjoy your summer!  Call for a free consultation with me at Puget Sound Cosmetic Laser @ 360-676-1111.  I’d love to meet you and answer your aesthetic laser questions.

My Best,

Nancy R., RN


February 4, 2010

Today is my first entry in my first blog.  What makes me think I have anything to share that you’d be interested in?  Well…it’s my patients and all they have taught me about living with unwanted hair.  I have been a Registered Nurse longer than I care to share.  My varied experiences have helped me to understand people better…. their hopes, dreams, fears, and worries.  So many people live with excess and unwanted hair and have no idea that there is an alternative to shaving, plucking, waxing, sugaring, threading, electrolysis, messy depilatories, etc.  In this blog, I hope to demystify laser hair removal/reduction, giving you useful information and answering your questions. I don’t claim to know all the answers.  What you can count on from me is honesty, sincerity, and a passion for what I do best….helping people!   I welcome your questions and comments.  Laser hair removal isn’t appropriate for everyone.  For some, it is just what they need to build confidence and stop worrying about at least one thing!  Check back often for updates.  Thanks so much!    -Nancy